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Pipette Girl

eBook – Rose’s Superhero Birthday: An Immune Cell Treasure Hunt


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The eBook version of my children’s book about our immune cell superheroes that promote girls in science and inspires curiosity in the next generation of creative thinkers. (PDF, ePub or Mobi).

Rose’s Superhero Birthday: An Immune Cell Treasure Hunt is a book that takes children on a journey of discovery about the immune cells that keep them safe every day. A curious and inspired girl, Rose has asked her immunologist mom for a science-themed birthday party, complete with a B cell birthday cake. The book follows Rose and her friends through the joys of childhood, including treasure hunts and self-made theatrical performances, while simplifying and illuminating some of the deeper complexities of the immune system.

Written and illustrated by Angela Landrigan


“My son wanted to read it cover to cover twice in a row and said “yeah!” and threw up his arms when they killed the virus.” – C.T., mom and nurse

“Love your book! Unique, scientific, and fun with terrific illustrations. I learned so much about immune cells.” – J.F., healthcare consultant

“I’m very interested in science education and see your book as a great way to introduce a complicated subject and not just to children! I expect to learn from it too.” – R.C., scientist

“My 9 year old granddaughter and I read it last night and she loved it! She said “NOW I understand why I feel so terrible when I get sick, there’s lot of stuff going on in my body”!” – J.L., grandmother and immunologist

“Inspiring on many levels!” – C.X., mom and management scientist

“”Science for little girls” is such a worthwhile message.” – A.G., mom and immunologist

“I love seeing ways for scientists to communicate (and demystify) what they do.” – B.C., scientist


The storyline is geared toward girls and boys ages 4-10, but adults and caregivers will learn along the way as well. Readers will learn:

What major cell types comprise the human immune system
The primary functions of each of the major cell types
How these cell types work together / communicate
How children can work together to achieve a fun outcome!

In addition to the storyline, the book features an appendix that provides a detailed but accessible summary of each of the cell types, an immune cell family tree, and vignettes on common topics:

Where do immune cells come from?
How immune cells work together when you have a cold
How do immune cells help heal a cut?
Why do you get a runny nose?
How are babies’ immune systems different?
How do allergies work?
Why do you wash your hands with soap?